Senin, 28 September 2015

Welcoming The Autumn

Here comes Autumn...
I think autumn is always my favorite time of the year.
The weather is cold, but if we're lucky sometimes we can also have a lil bit warm from the sun. Mostly in western country, the people loves Summer, but for me, Asian women - who's born and raised in 30-40 grad C weather, I had enough heat in my life :)

One thing that bothering me about autumn is the Rain.... hffff...
Basically I have no problem with rain, but since I become a mother of 1,5 years old toddler, rain is not my fave thing anymore. Its difficult to push a buggy with a wet cold hand and a screaming child in it coz she hate to be covered by plastic case :(

Anyway ... beside the rain factor I like almost everything about autumn. The tree leafs turning into yellow goldis color... and soon all turn into brown and fall off, a perfect time to take my lil princess to a park to pick up multy color n shape leafs.

Welcome Autumn...xoxo